Gosei Ultimate Megazord
$34.99 at Most Major Retailers (Bought from Kmart.com)
Power Rangers Megaforce finally releases another Megazord: Gosei Ultimate Megazord! Gosei Ultimate Megazord is the Megaforce version of Goseiger’s Gosei Ultimate, if that wasn’t obvious enough. While Gosei Ultimate was a huge robot, Gosei Ultimate Megazord is a shrunk down version, only a hair bigger than Gosei Great Megazord. Gosei Ultimate Megazord isn’t comprised of Zords or Mechazords like most Megazords are, but is instead one singular entity that transforms from Starship Mode to Megazord Mode. The five Ultra Zords snap into the chest to form a large face in the center of his chest. Unfortunately, Gosei Ultimate Megazord does NOT feature removable Zords, as they’re pretty small and stuck on the robot. He does feature two swords that can snap together to form a small bow weapon. When in Starship Mode, Gosei Ultimate Megazord can attach directly to the back of Gosei Great Megazord to form Ultimate Gosei Great Megazord(?). Gosei Great Megazord can also stand on top of Gosei Ultimate Megazord to zoom around in the sky. Fun times. Exclusive to Gosei Ultimate Megazord, you can fold the legs down to create a Base Mode. In this mode, you can slot the Gosei Morpher into the panels to form a Command Center for your 4″ scale figures to interact with. It doesn’t add a whole lot to the toy, but it’s a cool little bonus feature for the US toy. Seeing as how Gosei Ultimate was roughly $120 when released, a $34.99 alternative is fantastic for people who missed out. Yes, Gosei Ultimate Megazord is VERY small compared to Japan’s Gosei Ultimate, but that’s to be expected with the US line. Gosei Ultimate Megazord also features Zordbuilder ports on both the arm and leg sockets, to create some really fun combinations featuring Gosei Ultimate’s unique chest. Definitely worth it for everyone who’s been collecting the Megaforce line, and a pretty nice pick up for Goseiger collectors who just couldn’t justify Gosei Ultimate. ACG Collectors will probably like to know the toy comes with two all new ACG promo cards.
[youtube http://youtu.be/6ak-APrYHp4]