Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Morphers/Changers, Power Rangers, Reviews

Review: Legacy Power Morpher -Green Ranger & White Ranger Edition- (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)

Legacy Power Morpher -Green Ranger & White Ranger Edition-
Toys R Us Exclusive – $49.99 (Currently $69.99)

P1060253Currently available on TRU.com…for $69.99

After Bandai released Tommy’s Morpher at SDCC as an exclusive, there was a huge fan backlash even though many believed we would see a redecorated release as a normal TRU exclusive. Those fans were right, as a few months after SDCC, Bandai announced the Green and White Ranger Morpher would hit TRU as an exclusive. The only difference between this release and the SDCC release is that instead of being gold plated, it’s painted a flat gold, closer resembling the Morpher in the show. The coins also match the original Legacy Morpher’s weathered coins, where as the SDCC coins were also plated gold. The gut of the toy is the same as the last release of the Legacy Power Morpher. Turn it on to hear the communicator beep, press the button to pop it open and hear a short transformation sound, and hold the button down to hear an instrumental version of the theme song. That’s all there is to it. I like the gold use, as it’s close to the one seen in the show, and I’m glad this release has weathered coins. While not accurate to the show, the weathered coins are beautiful on display, and I like having a set that all matches. If you’re a fan of Tommy, this is a nice pick up for the original price. Given the fact that this is the same toy with three LESS coins then the original version, the fact that TRU thinks upcharging it $20 is a good idea is insane. Don’t pay more than $50 for this, because even that is pushing it a bit.

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[youtube http://youtu.be/58Ob6aHjJ9g]

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