Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Drive, Reviews

Review: DX Ride Crosser (Kamen Rider Drive)

DX Ride Crosser
January, 2015 – ¥5,000


Now that both Mashin Chaser and Kamen Rider Mach have their TK releases, they need their trusty motorcycles! After all, Drive has a Tridoron toy! The DX Ride Crosser was released in January, 2015 for ¥5,000. The Ride Crosser is made via a combination of of Chaser’s Ride Chaser and Mach’s Ride Macher. Both characters can ride the bikes just fine. There are no lights and sounds in the toy, so playability is rather minimal. Both the Ride Macher and Ride Chaser have a singular Koukan port on the rear wheels as well. After a few slides and pull out pegs, the two bikes connect together. Macher’s rear canopy is placed in the middle to form the body, and you have the tank like Ride Crosser vehicle. While there is no actual seat, a TK figure can sit on the connection support and pretend to ride the vehicle. While I appreciate the gesture, the end result is unstable and kind of silly. Also included is the Kourin Signal Tomarle. This can be used on Kamen Rider Mach to change him into Mach Tomarle.

Overall, it’s incredibly hard to recommend this toy. Unlike Tridoron that has sounds, a Shift Car, and a Tire, this set just lacks any grabbing features. If you really need motorcycles for your figures, it’s an okay toy, but certainly not for ¥5,000. With it only including a singular Signal, there’s very little to draw most collectors in. I won’t deny the Ride Crosser looks nice on a display however. That’s really the only saving grace.

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