Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Drive, Reviews

Review: TK09 – Kamen Rider Drive Type Formula (Kamen Rider Drive)

TK09 – Kamen Rider Drive Type Formula
March, 2015 – ¥3,200

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Our ninth jump into the Tire Koukan series is Drive’s penultimate form, Type Formula! This figure was released in March, 2015 for the usual price of ¥3,200. Included with the toy are the two default Formula Tires that go on the two Tire Koukan ports located on his gauntlets, as well as the Trailer-Hou weapon. The overall look is accurate to the show, even including most of the Shift Car sponsorships seen all over the suit. Being my favorite portion of the suit, I’m definitely glad they were included, even though some are hard to see. The biggest flaw in the toy is the arm articulation. While the toy features the usual articulation, the large chest piece bumps into the large arm tires constantly, allowing for nearly no usable articulation in the arms. It’s really obnoxious to have a figure of a form you really like get hindered because of the design of the toy. I really hope the SHF release can fix this, regardless of whether I pick it up or not. The Tire Koukan gimmick can still be used, but the even larger tires don’t allow any sort of movement, and end up serving no real purpose at all.

Overlal, Type Formula is an okay release if you just want a figure that can stand there, but ultimately the playability just isn’t there whatsoever. If you’re a huge fan of the form, it might be tolerable, but if you’re looking to actually have fun with your figures, this is a really easy pass. Even if you’re a completist, wait for a price drop before biting on this one.

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