This is a V-Log full of announcements! I haven’t really done a V-Log for this kind of stuff for a wile, but the announcements kept piling up, so I wanted to do a more formal announcing of them all. Gonna sum up the announcements below for reference or for people unable to watch the video.
1.) PMC is in a few days! Myself, along with everyone else in the RRR Podcast will be attending the show, so if you see us, stop by and say hi! I’m more than willing to sign things, take pictures, shake hands, whatever. Meeting fans is an awesome feeling, and I can’t wait to see you all there. We’ll be wandering around all three days, so be sure to say hello. Keep an eye on my Twitter if you aren’t attending the show. I’ll be tweeting as much as I can from the event. Of course, we will be filming RRR the Movie 2 while we’re there! That footage will be compiled and edited once I get home, so be patient and we’ll get everything going as fast as we can.
2.) Speaking of RRR, we will be recording an episode from together, marking the first time the Podcast has been recorded with all four of us in the same room! We’ve gotten a ton of requests for a live Podcast, so we might try to use UStream, Google Hangouts, or YouTube’s broadcast thing to broadcast a video stream as we record the show. We’re gonna have to run a few tests there to make sure it can work, so bare with us and keep an eye on the Twitter and Facebook feeds for more information.
3.) I am now a Forum Moderator and Staff Writer for The Tokusatsu Network! I moderate the Merchandise section over on their forums, and write about any Tokustasu related toy news! I have been itching to rejoin the news scene for a while, and I want to give huge thanks to Angelic Noir, Tom, Aoi Kurenai, and everyone else on staff for accepting me so quickly and with such open arms. It’s truly a surreal experience to be working alongside the people whom I’ve always considered to be the top when it came to tokusatsu. The site is pretty great, so be sure to check it out if you haven’t already!
4.) I have been inducted into Saban Brands’ Power Force! For those that don’t know, Power Force is a group of fans picked by Saban Brands to represent the Power Rangers community in…stuff? The past two years have seemed like nothing but marketing. I’m really hoping that with the induction of eight new members, that Saban is willing to amp up the Power Force and make us an actual voice of the franchise. Though I’m not expecting a whole lot, I really hope this proves to be something great. Just looking at the members, Power Force is comprised of so many talented and great people in this community. It’s a shame that Saban seems unwilling to let us use our full potential in helping the brand. Regardless, huge congrats to Hassan, trekkieb47, ZeronXepher, The2ndBatgirl, Rankal (Kickback of TokuNation), DatabaseRanger, and MrChangeDragon whom all have made it into the Power Force. This round was entirely done by nominations from current members. Huge thanks to those who nominated me. If you didn’t make it, keep your head held high. At the end of the day, this title means very little.
As always, huge thanks to everyone who has supported me thus far. Between moving out last year, turning my CSToys position into a job, putting a lot of time and focus into my channel, and now writing for the Tokusatsu Network as much as I can, 2014 has been nothing but a huge chapter in my life. Thank you to each and every one of you that have been with me on this journey. Life is truly unpredictable, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future.
Thank you.