Kamen Rider, Kamen Rider Drive, Reviews

Review: Shift Car Set 02 (Kamen Rider Drive)

Shift Car Set 02
October, 2014 – ¥1,400


Shift Car Set 02 brings us two new Shift Cars for Kamen Rider Drive. It was released at the tail end of October, 2014 for ¥1,400. Shift Car Set 02 brings in Dream Vegas and Dimension Cab, the partner Shift Cars in the series. Besides being a clear homage to Las Vegas, these two Shift Cars are really neat. Dream Vegas gives Drive two coin shaped shields to defend himself with, as well as a finisher full of bells and whistles…or a bunch of fail. Dimension Cab splits Drive in two, allowing his upper body to travel between walls, along the ground, and a bunch of other helpful things. Both Shift Cars activate a Tire Koukan in the Drive Driver, with all new transformation tunes. While they don’t activate anything, they can also be used in the DX Tridoron to activate the Tire Fueru. Each Shift Car release brings us more and more creative designs.

Dream Vegas is my spirit animal.

[youtube http://youtu.be/QZg46ZPYb-8]

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